KAMISHIBAI is a navigation library for WPF that supports MVVM pattern on Generic Host.

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Message Dialog

KAMISHIBAI makes it easy to display alert and confirmation dialogs from the ViewModel.

MessageBoxResult ShowMessage(
    string messageBoxText,
    string caption = "",
    MessageBoxButton button = MessageBoxButton.OK,
    MessageBoxImage icon = MessageBoxImage.None, 
    MessageBoxResult defaultResult = MessageBoxResult.None,
    MessageBoxOptions options = MessageBoxOptions.None,
    object? owner = null);

The only required argument is the first messageBoxText.

_presentationService.ShowMessage("Hello, Message!");

Dialog Selection Result

You can get the result selected in the dialog.

MessageBoxResult result = 
        "Hello, Message!", 
        button: MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)

Displayed in the center of the parent window

By passing owner in CommandParameter, you can easily display the dialog in the center of the Window.

<UserControl ...
        Content="Show Message" 
        Command="{Binding ShowMessageCommand}" 

Add the namespace “kamishibai” and pass “kamishibai:Window” to CommandParameter.

This is received as a Command parameter and passed to the ShowMessage method.

public RelayCommand<object> ShowMessageCommand => new(owner
=> _presentationService.ShowMessage("Hello, Message!", owner: owner);
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